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Alquimia Tântrica - (Tantric Alchemy)

Sao Paulo - Brazil: Mandala Livreiros Editores e Importadores Ltda. - 1985

Alchemy is transmutation. Tantrism is the philosophy, science, art and way of life in which a person through the creative use of his/hers sexual energy can achieve ecstasy and ultimately find union. This book deals with the transmutation necessary leading to the unification of the feminine and masculine principles, in which two individuals may once again find an androgynous or whole state.

Chapter by chapter the author gradually reveals the steps leading not only to physical union through Maithuna but also to the transmutation and unification of a couple's emotional and spiritual bodies as well as their endocrine systems. Although important to man's spiritual development and evolution, the author warns those who decide to experiment with the secret path of tantric alchemy, that it is like walking a tightrope, and if you do not fall, you can almost learn how to fly and create the archetype of the superior human being.

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