A Viagem Interna para o Infinito - (The Inner Voyage to the Infinite)

Sao Paulo - Brazil - Mandala Livreiros Editores e Importadores Ltda. - 1978 (Published in portuguese).

In this book, the author takes the reader on a voyage to his/hers inner worlds, a voyage toward time, ages, races and toward humanity's origins, for man is a Calendar of Time. Registered in our auras are memories from times when man's ancestors, the Pitris inhabited other planets. Thus during these inner voyages, guided by the hand of a Guru, we can re-collect the pieces to the puzzle by going back to the Neolithic and Paleolithic times or going forward to ages not yet classified by scientists and learn how to travel through this rich, REAL world of ours.

During a year of classes, Professor Molinero weekly guided his disciples through the 29 inner voyages described in this book, taking them to, among other places, the World of Birth, of Fantasy, of Children, of Tears, of Fire, of Love and Sex, as well as to the Planet of Angels, of Pain, of Pleasure, of our Soul Mate, to the Moon and to the Mysterious Life of the Dark Sun. Man, the eternal pilgrim, is indeed a part of a vast and infinite whole.


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